Jul 30, 2010

Balm for the Soul??

I went to visit my friend today @ the hospital after school. She's finally able to get some food/drink into her system, but she's still in A LOT of pain & they STILL aren't 100% sure what is wrong with her, but they have figured out a few things that she DOESN'T have. LOL. God Bless my friend, she cheered me up just as much as I cheered her up. The sad thing is, you REALLY find out who your friends are when you get sick. We thought SO many people would notice her absence, and no one has really asked me about her lately??

These last 200 hours are taking FOREVER it feels like. I'm SO CLOSE, but yet SO FAR! I'm counting them down by day now, instead of by week. Still about 3 weeks left to go...

Sending out my first resume to my #1 pick of salons to work @ tomorrow...wish me luck...

More to come!


Jul 29, 2010

Updates...This Prodigal Kitty has Returned! LOL!


Major things have happened since my last post: I only have about 4 weeks left of school & I graduate, my Dad suffered what we thought was a stroke, but it turned out to be Bells Palsy (He's Fine! Thank God!) I've been working on a "picture a day" program that I started back at the end of May. I turned 31 in June, and my Aunt Cathy's Children's Book is REALLY starting to do well. She's getting it in front of the right people, and she's hitting the Local Art Fair circuit (If you see her, GO AND BUY THE BOOK!) It's called "Lukas" and her name is Cathy Carroll. Tell her that "Kitty" sent you.

I've worked on a few fashion events assisting my friend, & doing Hair/Make-Up for another group of friends. Getting some great shots out of it for my port, only have a few so far, but I will post a link of what I have soon.

That being said, what photo service do you guys like to use? Flickr, Picassa, Photo Bucket, Snapfish?? Not really sure who to go with, so suggestions would be GREATLY APPRECIATED!

I'm doing some chores around the house before I go into school this afternoon, & I have to visit a friend @ the hospital when I'm done w school. PLEASE pray for her!

More soon-ish...I Promise!

Jun 13, 2010

Enjoying Small Things

In This Edition of Where I Stand Sunday, I'm pleased to report that since my last post, I'm still reflecting on things. The value of a true friend is something that none can measure. Only when they're gone, do you realize the price you would pay to have them back...he knew how much I don't like rain and gloom, and how often I bitch about it, so...I found this on my front porch this afternoon, when I went out for a quick cig.

I realize that you can't see my feet AGAIN, but the sight of these beauty's was like balm on a burnt-out soul. Trying to get a few things OFF of my To-Do List. So far? Eh, progress has been made, but nothing can be 100% checked off yet. I guess I should get back to work now. I got some pics uploaded, and I worked a bit more on my MM Profile, and I got some various chores done around the house. SUPER BUMMED...Going to miss the 1st Episode of the 3rd Season of True Blood tonight. For those of you who HAVE HBO...please feel free to comment below and leave a brief summary! 

Also friends, feel free to visit my FB site, and LEAVE A MESSAGE telling my Hubster I REALLY NEED HBO! 

Also, check out Lynn's blog Here: As it's Where I Stand's home! Enjoy!! 

Jun 9, 2010

Letter to a Friend...

My Dearest Buddha, (Known to everyone else as Justin,)

I can't believe it has been a year since I attended your funeral, as of today. There are SO many times over the past 12 months that I have wished to talk to you, see you, laugh with you, just be with you. My heart hurts over the loss of you. 

There have been MANY moments over the past year that I wished you could be there for: New Years Eve, When we moved into our new place, for your girlfriends birthday a few weeks back, for my birthday less than two weeks away. Would you make fun of my new nickname "Kitty?" I know how much you HATED cats. Would you let me cut your hair & beard? Would you be PROUD that I FINALLY figured out what I wanted to do with my life?

I know that Kevin, my hubby misses you too. He isn't as vocal about it, and doesn't mention you as much as I do, but...a fishing buddy, camping, cooking, going hunting, the day of his graduation, I KNOW he wanted to share those times with you. We're playing D & D with his friends, and I wish you were with us for that.

The tattoo on my back, always reminds me that you are with me, sometimes I can hear your laugh on the wind, or your mocking voice in my head, or I'll see a look on Kevin that you used to give me too. 

I hope you know that we miss you still. I hope that you know that you are loved still. We looked out for TJ during the first few weeks after your death, and I still talk to her on FaceBook, Text Messages, and our Cellies. I sent your Mom a note on FaceBook, after I friend requested her today. 

Would you be proud and happy to know that if/when Kev & I have kids, we are planning on giving our son your first & middle name as a tribute? We would have named you the Godfather, I am sure of it. 

Your death has made some positive changes in me. I'm losing weight, eating better, and trying not to stress that much. I'm trying to work out some kind of exercise routine. You could pick me up really easily now, I've lost SO much weight. 

Dinner is ready, and Kev's calling me down...

I never said it enough when you were alive, I will say it now. I love you, and you were a GREAT friend. I miss you everyday!

This is the last pic I have of him while he was alive, his girlfriend TJ's birthday party.
14 days later, he was gone.

Standing on a Sunday

So for this installment of "Where I Stood" Sunday, the action was in front of my face, not down at my feet, therefore, my little piggies will NOT be making an appearance in the pics to follow.

This was pictures from a group of local bikers who were riding for a local charity for blind children in our area.

This was too cool to see, so I thought I would pass it on. About 3,000 bikes rode through town to support a great cause!

One of the MANY cool bikes that rode past our house!


My Aunt Cathy got right in the middle of the action! Cheering and hollering for the bikers!

As always, feel free to check out Lynn's blog to get the latest scoop on the Where I Stand Project!

Jun 1, 2010

Highs and Lows...

This morning started out with REALLY great news...One of my teachers at school informed me that I am in the Top 10 of my class, therefore this grants me an audience/interview with a local salon in the area that is hiring. This THRILLED me, more than 1,000 words could express. I wish I would have taken a picture of my face! LOL! My teachers told me that it was priceless! I was SO excited for the whole day! The client that I worked on this evening was a sweetheart, and was gracious enough to let me take a picture of her when I was done with her color service tonight. She looked AMAZING & I was REALLY PROUD of how the color & style turned out. I also visited the local Community College that my school has an Ongoing Education Agreement with, and I found out what/when/how I need to go about registering for classes and whatnot for my Salon Management Degree. This was VERY exciting to me! I LOVE to learn & look forward to this!

Before my client,  I did a "Very Creative Roller Set that Incorporated 5 Pin Curls" as that was our first assignment listed on the board for "my shift" at school. I love the process of actually ROLLING the Roller Sets. The Combing Out & Styling part of them frustrates me to NO END however. I can never get it to look as good on the manikin as I can get it to look in my head. My teacher chuckled, and said that it is "MUCH easier on an actual person, (to get it to actually look good & how you WANT it to look) and that the styles I'm coming up with are GREATLY improved, as well as my execution of them. As strange as this may sound, (for as long as I have been on the floor) I have only had 3 roller sets on actual "people." Up-Do's are pretty much the same deal as well. Do them quite frequently on my Mani's, but not really EVER on a RL person! I posted this query on my FB page, and for grins I will post it on here too...If ANYONE reading this would like me to Up-Do, Roller Set, Style their hair, get a manicure, and/or get a make-up application, or some combination of the above mentioned services, contact me and let me know that you are interested. (Of course you would need to live in my neck of the woods, or within a reasonable driving distance. However, if you pay my traveling expenses I will come to you! LOL!) Please leave a comment, if you're interested. All I ask for is that I can take some pictures of whatever we do (Before & After's) for my Portfolio, and you're willing to part with some of your free time to be my um, guinea pig, for lack of a better word??

Thanks for reading! Hope to hear from yas!!

May 31, 2010

Lazy Sundays

Another edition of "Where I Stood" to follow...

Although, in this edition, I wasn't really standing anywhere. See the evidence below...

This was taken with the Format 126 App on my Iphone MonoHi was the effect I used.

This was with the LOFI effect with the Format 126 App.

This is the Helga Viking Lens, Cadet Blue Gel Flash, and Blanko Film-Hipstamatic App

Kaimal Mark II Lens, Standard Flash, Blanko Film-Hipstamatic App

Bored on a Lazy Sunday. See my friend Lynn's site for the Where I Stand Project Here: She is sweet, talented, and a lovely friend to have!! Enjoy!!

May 26, 2010

Keeping It Real

So...this week has been BAD, really REALLY BAD. And it's only the wee hours of Wednesday morning as I type this. I try not to be a Debby Downer & maintain my good juju, but BOTH of my warding charms have SNAPPED IN HALF over the past two weeks, and this week has been off the charts when it comes to being CRAPTASTIC! Tire blew out, been arguing with hubby, construction makes traffic SUCK even MORE, people's snarky comments and attitudes are REALLY getting to me lately, Hubby & I are struggling to pay bills, have food, and put gas in our cars, and the repairs that we need on our vehicles we CAN'T AFFORD. Not to mention that my meds are breaking the bank, school seems to be stretching out taking an ETERNITY to get through, and it's impossible to get a job (and KEEP IT) with my school schedule.This is SUPPOSED to be a stellar year for my hubby & I. BUT It's just SUCKING right now. I just keep telling myself "Only 3 more months left of school" sometimes it seems SO QUICK, but lately it is just dragging on forever! I'm SO hard on myself, I feel so clumsy and slow compared to most everyone else in my classes. BUT...Crap on a Crap Cracker if I'm not trying my DAMNEST everyday when I'm in school! I am SUPER picky about the quality of my work, so I am "overly" analitical. This makes me SLOWER than most. I'm sick and tired of working SO HARD and being BROKE, or barely scraping by. EVERYONE has to throw out their own personal shitty ass opinion of EVERY situation I'm facing lately, and it's getting on my last nerve!

This weeks' just got me feeling beat down and broken, so...for this "Witching Hour" I'm going to throw myself a little pity party. "It Can't Rain All The Time," "This Too, Shall Pass," "The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow" insert whatever saying you usually use for these situations... My good juju isn't completely broken, just really bruised right now. I hope it heals in time for whatever tomorrow throws at me...

May 24, 2010

Retracing My Steps

Funny how things in life work, I was thinking about life's patterns and the circles they take us, when I was driving out to visit my friend & the place I use to call "home" (for about 10 years) today. I stopped in my favorite local library, checked out a nice sized stack of books, went and visited with my best friend at her condo (which will always be my home away from home!) We went to our favorite coffee spot and BS-ed for several hours like it was just a several minutes. Our convos over a cuppa are LEGENDARY! I'm pretty sure that if we had a whole day to ourselves we could solve the energy crisis, find a way to make peace in the Middle East, and find the BEST deals on an outfit and a pair of shoes in 24 hours time...well, we would at least find an outfit and a pair of shoes! LOL! We talked today about "people's perceptions" and how they miss the most vital aspects of a person, more often than not! When people see my friend, most of them just hit the surface...tall, lithe, beautiful porcelain skin, and red hair to die for! What people tend to overlook is...she is MORE than just beautiful...she's smart, funny, forgiving, and she has a heart of gold. Also, we talked about the misgivings that people have about me, people aren't used to receiving complements, and generally having a stranger be nice to them. Which, is VERY depressing to me. Nowadays, if you SMILE at someone, or give them a compliment, most of the time they suspect that you're going to SELL them something.

Honestly? I have never had such a friend as my BFF. She's an inspiration to me, totally helps me focus, and brings out the best in me effortlessly. If you are fortunate enough to have someone like this in your life, treasure that friendship, and do everything in your power to not eff it up!

My friends are my muses. This particular friend, has given me the swift kick in the pants I need to really make something of myself in the decade or so that I have known her! She saved my life, when I was drowning in a fog of medication, she pulled me out of the water, and breathed new life into my very being. For all that she is to me, I decided to include her in my "Where I Stood" Sunday post.

Here is a pic of both of our feet, standing on her condo's front stoop. Some of my favorite memories happened on this little square patch of concrete.

I broke my own rule today, and walked out of the house in sandals & my feet not polished! :(

May 16, 2010

My Steps

I'm trying to keep up on the "Where I Stood" Sunday posts, but sometimes my computer likes to drive me insane, and not upload things when I want it to, and work in general for that matter! 


However, we seem to have come to a new understanding, so this is last Sunday's post...a week later...*Blushes*

Since we have moved into our new house, my Internet connectivity has been...wonky at best...

So, here is my "Where I Stood" Sunday Picture:

Granted, this isn't my normal pose, but I had to keep one foot a bit behind me or I was going to fall over!

Make sure to check out my friend Lynn's blog, you can see the "Where I Stand" idea in its entirety there!!!

May 11, 2010

Just Breathe

So much happened over this past weekend, it flew past! I worked a lot, and the BIGGEST NEWS?? Kevin Graduated from MSU with a BA in Landscape Architecture!! He's ALSO back to work with his LA Firm, he has a brand spanking new title of "Vice President," and work is starting to pick up for them, so that is all GREAT news!!

^^ MSU's Class of 2010 -Landscape Architexture!!

The PT retail gig I landed has been REALLY fun, although, I'm not sure how much longer I will be there, Retail is a HARD area to work in right now, and my availability is VERY limited (Thanks to school) so I have a double-whammy against me! But, I'm trying not to worry about it, and just appreciate what I can work there, and the time I have worked there!

This weather's making me miserable! It's cold, wet, and icky outside, and even though I have on jeans, a long sleeved shirt, socks & my Hello Kitty fleece blankey around me, I STILL can not get warm enough, and the Heat is CRANKED to 70' (At least until The Hubster arrives!) I have SO MUCH homework for school to work on, I just feel overwhelmed & I have been avoiding it like the plague. I got a bit done this morning, but not really enough that I'm pleased. I'm going to finish somethings when I get this all done, and some photos uploaded!

Speaking of photos, here is a snapshot (LOL! I'm Punny!!) of what's been happening in my world lately!!

I r sleepy Kitty! Weekend wore me out!

Learning to Play D & D-I play a Tiefling Warlock & figuring out another back-up Char

New Mani Received Last Week-She already got a haircut & Some Color!!!!

Kev's Graduation Dinner W Fam @ Logans
Baby Wyatt, Stef, Ken, Me, Kev, & J'Son

I heard this song the other day, and it has been stuck in my head ever since, thus the title for my post...

"Just Breathe" by Pearl Jam

"Yea, I don't want to hurt/There's So much in this World That Makes Me Bleed/Oh, Stay With Me/Oh Your All I See"

May 2, 2010

Without Further Ado

Where I Stood Sunday...Quite a few weeks in the making, but here is a shot of me in my old apartment:

The next shot is me at my new digs on our front porch:

So much more to write, but I want to get this posted before another quirk happens!

This site is my inspiration for this post, I will try to keep doing a Where I Stood post every Sunday, just like my friend Lynn! Check her site out here: http://www.fibraartysta.blogspot.com/

Apr 25, 2010

Technical Difficulties

So, I've been on my computer using The Interwebs for the better part of the day, so after I loaded up all the pics that were sitting on my camera, I went 2 pull up this site so I could post my "Where I Stood" Sunday post in honor of my friends project, check out Lynn's site
://fibraartysta.blogspot.com/ which I cannot get to link now for some reason, awesome!! Tech difficulties are getting on my nerves tonight!!

I will post my "Where I Stood" tomorrow if I can get this straightened out!

Techknowlogy = Makes Kitty feel stupid & annoyed!!





My faith in my skills as a stylist was renewed on Friday. My friend Jake came in and let me restyle him! Above is the before and after pic! Haircut, Highlights, and Lowlights! He loved it SO much that he informed me that "I'm his stylist FOR LIFE!" He TOTALLY trusted me with everything, from the colors we chose, and we mutually agreed about the haircut! As soon as he saw the picture, he was like "Oh! I LIKE that!" It almost brings me to tears...the transformation people go through in my chair! The trust that people place in me and what I can do for them makes my heart swell to an almost BURSTING capacity!! I LOVE the before and after shots! SO MUCH SASS in those Afters! LOL!

Move-in has been complete for a little while: now it is just a matter of getting everything sorted and put away! The kitchen, bathroom, living room, and guest room are pretty much done. It's just a matter of organizing my books, and art/study areas now! Which, I started going through several boxes of books, and putting them away tonight!

All of our clothes have been sorted out, and put into clear bins for the next season, or are hanging in the closet, or put away in the drawers they have been assigned to! :D

Another exciting event happened this week: I managed to squeak out some time for "art" this week! I took a class @ Scrappy to make this REALLY COOL Kaisercraft Journal. It's still a work in progress, but I'm VERY excited about it! (pics of that to come soon!)

However, there are MORE exciting things in my world! We now have Internet in our house! YEA!!! It will be MUCH easier for me to post more regularly about events and happenings in my life now! I forgot what a pain in the BUTT it is to have no Internet at home! If we didn't have our Iphones, Kev and I would have been TOTALLY out of touch! *Shutters at the thought*

Speaking of my Dear Hubster... Kevin has an Interview with a company to be scheduled soon, this is VERY exciting my Blogging friends! Say a prayer for us! Benefits, good salary, and OVERTIME PAY! I am PRAYING SO HARD!!!

Also, another update for you...I have a JOB now! I had my interview two weeks ago, on Friday, and I'm starting training on Monday and Thursday this week!! I can't wait to start, and will fill you in on how training goes. My manager seems REALLY cool, as does the few co-workers that I have met! It will be GREAT to start working again! I'm SO EXCITED I COULD BURST...can ya tell? LOL!

AND...Next week is Kevin's LAST WEEK of school @ MSU! I'm SO PROUD as he is graduating with his Bachelor's Degree in Landscape Design. He has other plans in the works, and is planning to start another class schedule in the fall with his friend. They are working on their business plans with a zest and a fervor that I admire SO much!

That's about it for now! More to come soon!

Mar 27, 2010

Lost, but Now? Found

Whew! It's been a bit, but I had a VERY GOOD reason for dropping off of The Blogosphere! You see, we've relocated! A lovely little house is now ours! (The Hubster & I, that is!) The keys were turned into our old place a little over a week ago, & we moved in about 3 weeks ago! On top of all the moving shenanigans, I'm STILL going 2 school, studying, practicing, & trying 2 find a job!

Sadly, there's been NO time for Art, well, other than the hairstyling variety! Though, I have made a few purchases! This will have to change soon, as I have to "create" my hair portfolio! This WILL BE.a scrapbook, of course! I've been taking A TON of pics on the new phone I got! iPhone, how did I EVER get along without you?

That's going 2 have to tide y'all over for now! Imma getting.very.sleepy!

Mar 11, 2010

A-ha Moments...

So, the ups & downs from moving have made me ponder life's little quirks. Things have been surreal. I'm back inthe same area that I spent the better part of my life in, BUT I'm SO different now, I feel like a different person! This IS a good thing, I have always thought that life (at least MY life) moves in a circular pattern. I'm starting a new chapter of my life! I'm really @ peace with being in my 30's. I'm in a much better place then when I was in my 20's! Although, they did give me answers 2 major burning issues that I had with myself!

The house is REALLY coming together QUITE nicely! We still have QUITE a bit 2 do, but everytime we get a box unpacked & put away or a room completed, and the layout of things figured out it makes me swell with happiness!

Ok...got the fam on thier way over & I need 2 change & whatnot, so...here are the 2 things I'm seriously pondering lately...

Do you think X year plans are a waste of time, or useful?

The other big thing I'm dwelling on is...

If u died 2day, what do u think ur legacy would be? And what is my legacy currently?

As always, your comments are appreciated!

Mar 6, 2010

Ready to ATTACK this weekend!

Quick update....

Getting packing done at an alarming rate, but NOT fast ENOUGH...for hubster and me. We r impatents!

Couldn't sleep really great last night, due to my excitement at moving, and it also didn't help that everytime I started to doze completely off I would wake up hacking and coughing. LEAVE ME ALONE UPPER RESPIRATORY SYSTEM! Then again, I was hootin' and hollerin' A LOT yesterday. (One of my buds from school graduated yesterday, and I was being silly with friends, being cooped up in a classroom on Fridays is MISERABLE! The good news is that starting next week, our class schedule is changing, so no more classroom on Fridays!)

Did a spiral perm with bender rods, and watched a few Paul Mitchell DVD's in class, along with learning a new color technique yesterday! It dawned on me that I do not have any pics of my school, so I took a few of the outside of the building, and I was walking to my vehicle on lunch, and spotted a cool photo concept, so I snapped that too!

Today feels like Christmas! We are ALMOST finished packing (my arms haven't fallen off yet!) and we are getting NEW mobile phones today! Goodbye Verizon Wireless! I HATE YOUR CRAPPY EMO PHONES AND SHITTY CUSTOMER SERVICE! Hello AT & T and IPhone!

The camera's supposed to be pretty decent on the Iphone, so I will add a pic later to this post...

Also, I felt the need to get pampered a bit, so I clocked out after lunch the other day (after getting my mani!) and got my hair did! I had A LOT of faded and root-age showing...that irritates me! So I need to post up a new pic of my 'do! My friend Heather that I go to school with ROCKED OUT my color & cut! It was EXACTLY perfect, and the shampoo was HEAVENLY!

OK...need to break....fast and get going...more soon my lovelies!

Another thought...I REALLY HOPE I get some time to see Alice In Wonderland this weekend! I have been waiting for it FOREVES, so just my luck that it comes out on the weekend we're moving! :'( WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAA!

Mar 5, 2010

Curiouser and Curiouser

This is turning out to be QUITE the interesting month so far...VERY roller-coaster-ish! This could be why...http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ides_of_March

March 1st I went back to Cos School from my leave. I felt rested and recharged and ready to make great hair happen! ^ - ^ I could BARELY sleep on Sunday night, and I almost burst into tears at the sight of seeing my school friends, along with my Instructors, and from the "welcome home" vibe that I got from the ones that missed me and that matter to me the most. The crappy thing is I missed a few friends graduations while I was gone!

My emotions have been all over the map this month so far, and this is only Day # 5 of March! Every time we are blessed with REALLY good news, something counter-attacks and the joy is short-lived. The ups and downs have been hitting me harder than usual too, and I'm getting more frustrated than normal. This I think is for several reasons: 1. Living out of boxes SUCKS, 2. The process of moving SUCKS 3. The weather has been kind've crappy/warm/crappy lately here! 4. I have no ME time to create Art!

Along that same line of thinking...I've been finding all these great sources of inspiration lately, and I want to get back creating, but my art supplies are half in boxes and I have NO TIME between school and moving right now!!!! I have been keeping a mini-list (I'm pretty much obsessed with lists!) about things I want to create/accomplish when the dust settles from our move. I'm planning several crops at my fav local scrapbook store later on this month. (Check out there blog http://scrappychiclivonia.blogspot.com/)for some reason it won't let me hotlink it. I tried fixing it several times, but I am just too tired. Copy and paste for now please! I promise to fix it later. I has technical difficulties!

I just started to catch up with my Super Crafty friends via their blogs and Facebook, and everything that they are creating is inspiring me! I can't wait to be more settled and get to creating again...looking forward to it! I got a few books @ Scrappy Chic the other day!

My sweet husband managed to pack up our kitchen and clean out part of the bathroom in a few hours today. He also was at the new house today for a bit while the carpets were being cleaned! The basement has been cleaned out, the trash, mold, and other undesirables has now been pretty much removed from the basement, and we are ALMOST 100% finished with cleaning the house. A few more walls to wash, a small pile of items to get rid of in the basement, and another go-round with all the kitchen surfaces including the whole fridge, and we're completely done!

I really need to get to bed, and I feel like this post has been one long nonsensical rambling, so I will end it now. Serves me right I guess for trying to form coherent thoughts to post at 4:30AM! LOL!

Just wanted to pop in and check on everyone. Even though I haven't posted in a few days, my thoughts are with you!


Feb 25, 2010


A few things I realized today:

673.75-More hours to complete until I graduate Cos school.

20-More days until we're in our new place...Max!

10-Days off that Kev has for Spring Break - that we are using to move into our new digs

8-More days until Tim Burton's Alice In Wonderland comes out!

6-Years of Marriage completed on 10/30/10!

4-More days of my leave left until I go back to school

3-Years of marriage for my sister on 2/23/10

2-hours ago I SHOULD have been asleep

1-Sleepy Kitty who has too many #'s running through her head and too many things to do and not enough hours in the day to do them all in! Ugh!

What numbers are you crunching in your brain???

Feb 23, 2010

Small Moments + Inspiration= Big Happiness

Small realizations have hit me recently, at my nephew Branko's Christening on Sunday, as I sat around assorted family & friends, I got a bit misty-eyed as I looked over and saw my nephew passed out in his stroller amidst all the chaos going on around him. People came from miles around to celebrate him. He is SUCH a loved little one. I was inspired by everything from the church, to the service, to the dancing, to THE FOOD! Whew, I ate my fill, your fill, his fill, and her fill too! ;D

I TOTALLY was wiped out from the festivities on Sunday, so I slept pretty much all of yesterday, I have a ton of pics to put up, but that will have to come sometime later.

I did FINALLY start doing some serious packing! The living room is slowly filling up with brown boxes all taped, sealed up and ready to go! I gave myself a mental kick-in-the-pants, because I feel like I have wasted SO much time since I went on my leave from school, but then I remind myself that I wasn't much use for ANYTHING until a few days ago...if I don't get sick for QUITE sometime I will be THRILLED! LOL!

Today has been a mish-mash of things...I have done a TON of laundry and put it away, I cleaned the kitchen a bit, and gave the dishwasher a good run for its money, and I started going through various spaces in the apartment to see what I could keep, donate, or pitch. I feel almost like I hit the jackpot too! I found some old photos, some jewelry that I thought I lost (my favorite necklace from my 20's, fits a bit different in my 30's, but I <3 that I can wear it again!) I also found a few things that I will be sending off to new homes, as others can use them, be it friends or complete strangers!

And now as I took a break from cleaning to have dinner, I'm playing around with Pandora Radio, and currently having a Swingin' Good time listening to the Rockabilly Revolution station. I also have sneaked a few breaks here and there to read this months copy of Creating Keepsakes and a bit more of The Artful Blogger. Now it seems as though wherever I look I see little things here and there that inspire me.

Another BIG discovery today?? (I know there was A LOT!) As I was reading through a few of the artists bios and posts in Artful Blogger I was amazed at how many others can't seem to commit to just one form of art. I can not begin to tell you what a relief that was to me. I felt like I needed to find ONE thing and stick to it, and with my personality, that's always been a no-go. So...whatever art I do, look for it on here...

So, what's your inspiration today? Did you get an A-HA! Moment with a new fun gadget, find something that you thought you lost (like your favorite old necklace?), get inspiration from a new (or old source?)

Now to do a little dance back over to cleaning up again...Hidey Hidey Hidey Ho...and Away I GO...LOL!

Feb 20, 2010

A Bit Behind The Times...

OK, so I DO realize that Valentine's Day was last weekend, but I did not get to appreciate all of the warm fuzzies and smoopie w/ my Hubby Kev, because I was really sick. I just picked up the Feb issue of Creating Keepsakes, and I wanted to share this quote with you...

"KISSES are a means of getting two people so close together that they can't see anything wrong with each other." ~Rene Yasenek.

I thought that was SO sweet, and I wanted to pass it onto all of you out there.

Update on Teh Sickies: I'm feeling MUCH better, but I don't know if it's me trying to recover from sleep I lost over the past week, or if it's the lack of caffiene, OR if it's the Antibiotics, but I am VERY sleepy, and taking naps QUITE often. I had to rush around for a bit this evening, to hit a few places before they closed. (Silly Kitty! I forgot that today is SATURDAY, not Sunday!) I dropped my books off at The Lib (2 days late!) *Blushes* Then I stopped at Archiver's to see if they had a Creating Keepsakes issue in stock that Scrappy didn't have...they did! Also, I wanted to check and see when the Archiver's new journal was coming out...I still don't have my coupons for the next quarter! Ugh! But alas, it was not in the mailbox yet!

I also picked up a gift for my Nephew Branko's Christening tomorrow. I was enamored with it as soon as I saw it, I hope his parents and he will appreciate it as much as I do. I got to get off my bum and start doing wash, I need to launder what I'm wearing to the Christening tomorrow, and I'm slowly but surely making some headway against my MOUND of laundry! *Groans* I think I will also take some pics of what is going on around the house, so I can remember this busy/fun/crazy time of moving that we have going on. Also, I need to work on a few "Love Notes" for some people who deserve them...

Pics to be posted later of Art and what I shot today soon!

Ta Ta For Now...


P.S. My new Mantra is "Make Time To Play!" Just wondering...What's Yours??

Feb 19, 2010

So...here goes...

I have tried a time or two to get a blog going and stick with it. So far, I have failed...miserably! BUT with the inspiration and help from a few friends of mine who are also amazing artists, I'm going to give this another shot.

There are 3 major things that are driving this change in me:

1. I'm sick, so I have A LOT of time on my hands, and my creative juices started to flow. I also was VERY inspired by several articles in the Artful Blogging magazine I picked up recently @ my LSS. (See My Blogs I follow list, several artists from that publication are in there! As well as my FAV Local Scrapbook Store that I bought the Mag @!)

2. I'm a very creative person, but the only thing that I do on a daily basis is going to Cos school, and while hair is a HUGE motivating force in my life, it is only one form of an art medium that I like to work with. A very talented creative friend once told me, "Everyone is blessed with a Muse. However, the ones that are not used wither and perish." I felt like my Muse was starting to die a little everyday from lack of use. So I picked up my sketchbook, started drawing, pondering ideas for a Blog, and a million projects and ideas stretched out in my mind's eye.

3. I'm also in the process of moving, so whatever art I am working on needs to be easily assessable, portable, and easy to manage, therefore all my paper crafting and altered art projects are going to be taking a backseat to this new creation that I am concocting...My Art Blog.

I've determined in my heart that I will let Art happen in my life a bit every day, I will make time to create and play, and I will create art for me, and care not what others think of it, or if anyone other than myself appreciates it! I will use my camera to capture more than just my latest styling achievement, but little lessons of beauty that can be discovered in daily life, through the proper focus, and with a pretty flippin sweet digital camera in my disposal.

They say that "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder." Well, consider me beholden! LOL!