Feb 25, 2010


A few things I realized today:

673.75-More hours to complete until I graduate Cos school.

20-More days until we're in our new place...Max!

10-Days off that Kev has for Spring Break - that we are using to move into our new digs

8-More days until Tim Burton's Alice In Wonderland comes out!

6-Years of Marriage completed on 10/30/10!

4-More days of my leave left until I go back to school

3-Years of marriage for my sister on 2/23/10

2-hours ago I SHOULD have been asleep

1-Sleepy Kitty who has too many #'s running through her head and too many things to do and not enough hours in the day to do them all in! Ugh!

What numbers are you crunching in your brain???

Feb 23, 2010

Small Moments + Inspiration= Big Happiness

Small realizations have hit me recently, at my nephew Branko's Christening on Sunday, as I sat around assorted family & friends, I got a bit misty-eyed as I looked over and saw my nephew passed out in his stroller amidst all the chaos going on around him. People came from miles around to celebrate him. He is SUCH a loved little one. I was inspired by everything from the church, to the service, to the dancing, to THE FOOD! Whew, I ate my fill, your fill, his fill, and her fill too! ;D

I TOTALLY was wiped out from the festivities on Sunday, so I slept pretty much all of yesterday, I have a ton of pics to put up, but that will have to come sometime later.

I did FINALLY start doing some serious packing! The living room is slowly filling up with brown boxes all taped, sealed up and ready to go! I gave myself a mental kick-in-the-pants, because I feel like I have wasted SO much time since I went on my leave from school, but then I remind myself that I wasn't much use for ANYTHING until a few days ago...if I don't get sick for QUITE sometime I will be THRILLED! LOL!

Today has been a mish-mash of things...I have done a TON of laundry and put it away, I cleaned the kitchen a bit, and gave the dishwasher a good run for its money, and I started going through various spaces in the apartment to see what I could keep, donate, or pitch. I feel almost like I hit the jackpot too! I found some old photos, some jewelry that I thought I lost (my favorite necklace from my 20's, fits a bit different in my 30's, but I <3 that I can wear it again!) I also found a few things that I will be sending off to new homes, as others can use them, be it friends or complete strangers!

And now as I took a break from cleaning to have dinner, I'm playing around with Pandora Radio, and currently having a Swingin' Good time listening to the Rockabilly Revolution station. I also have sneaked a few breaks here and there to read this months copy of Creating Keepsakes and a bit more of The Artful Blogger. Now it seems as though wherever I look I see little things here and there that inspire me.

Another BIG discovery today?? (I know there was A LOT!) As I was reading through a few of the artists bios and posts in Artful Blogger I was amazed at how many others can't seem to commit to just one form of art. I can not begin to tell you what a relief that was to me. I felt like I needed to find ONE thing and stick to it, and with my personality, that's always been a no-go. So...whatever art I do, look for it on here...

So, what's your inspiration today? Did you get an A-HA! Moment with a new fun gadget, find something that you thought you lost (like your favorite old necklace?), get inspiration from a new (or old source?)

Now to do a little dance back over to cleaning up again...Hidey Hidey Hidey Ho...and Away I GO...LOL!

Feb 20, 2010

A Bit Behind The Times...

OK, so I DO realize that Valentine's Day was last weekend, but I did not get to appreciate all of the warm fuzzies and smoopie w/ my Hubby Kev, because I was really sick. I just picked up the Feb issue of Creating Keepsakes, and I wanted to share this quote with you...

"KISSES are a means of getting two people so close together that they can't see anything wrong with each other." ~Rene Yasenek.

I thought that was SO sweet, and I wanted to pass it onto all of you out there.

Update on Teh Sickies: I'm feeling MUCH better, but I don't know if it's me trying to recover from sleep I lost over the past week, or if it's the lack of caffiene, OR if it's the Antibiotics, but I am VERY sleepy, and taking naps QUITE often. I had to rush around for a bit this evening, to hit a few places before they closed. (Silly Kitty! I forgot that today is SATURDAY, not Sunday!) I dropped my books off at The Lib (2 days late!) *Blushes* Then I stopped at Archiver's to see if they had a Creating Keepsakes issue in stock that Scrappy didn't have...they did! Also, I wanted to check and see when the Archiver's new journal was coming out...I still don't have my coupons for the next quarter! Ugh! But alas, it was not in the mailbox yet!

I also picked up a gift for my Nephew Branko's Christening tomorrow. I was enamored with it as soon as I saw it, I hope his parents and he will appreciate it as much as I do. I got to get off my bum and start doing wash, I need to launder what I'm wearing to the Christening tomorrow, and I'm slowly but surely making some headway against my MOUND of laundry! *Groans* I think I will also take some pics of what is going on around the house, so I can remember this busy/fun/crazy time of moving that we have going on. Also, I need to work on a few "Love Notes" for some people who deserve them...

Pics to be posted later of Art and what I shot today soon!

Ta Ta For Now...


P.S. My new Mantra is "Make Time To Play!" Just wondering...What's Yours??

Feb 19, 2010

So...here goes...

I have tried a time or two to get a blog going and stick with it. So far, I have failed...miserably! BUT with the inspiration and help from a few friends of mine who are also amazing artists, I'm going to give this another shot.

There are 3 major things that are driving this change in me:

1. I'm sick, so I have A LOT of time on my hands, and my creative juices started to flow. I also was VERY inspired by several articles in the Artful Blogging magazine I picked up recently @ my LSS. (See My Blogs I follow list, several artists from that publication are in there! As well as my FAV Local Scrapbook Store that I bought the Mag @!)

2. I'm a very creative person, but the only thing that I do on a daily basis is going to Cos school, and while hair is a HUGE motivating force in my life, it is only one form of an art medium that I like to work with. A very talented creative friend once told me, "Everyone is blessed with a Muse. However, the ones that are not used wither and perish." I felt like my Muse was starting to die a little everyday from lack of use. So I picked up my sketchbook, started drawing, pondering ideas for a Blog, and a million projects and ideas stretched out in my mind's eye.

3. I'm also in the process of moving, so whatever art I am working on needs to be easily assessable, portable, and easy to manage, therefore all my paper crafting and altered art projects are going to be taking a backseat to this new creation that I am concocting...My Art Blog.

I've determined in my heart that I will let Art happen in my life a bit every day, I will make time to create and play, and I will create art for me, and care not what others think of it, or if anyone other than myself appreciates it! I will use my camera to capture more than just my latest styling achievement, but little lessons of beauty that can be discovered in daily life, through the proper focus, and with a pretty flippin sweet digital camera in my disposal.

They say that "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder." Well, consider me beholden! LOL!