May 31, 2010

Lazy Sundays

Another edition of "Where I Stood" to follow...

Although, in this edition, I wasn't really standing anywhere. See the evidence below...

This was taken with the Format 126 App on my Iphone MonoHi was the effect I used.

This was with the LOFI effect with the Format 126 App.

This is the Helga Viking Lens, Cadet Blue Gel Flash, and Blanko Film-Hipstamatic App

Kaimal Mark II Lens, Standard Flash, Blanko Film-Hipstamatic App

Bored on a Lazy Sunday. See my friend Lynn's site for the Where I Stand Project Here: She is sweet, talented, and a lovely friend to have!! Enjoy!!

May 26, 2010

Keeping It Real

So...this week has been BAD, really REALLY BAD. And it's only the wee hours of Wednesday morning as I type this. I try not to be a Debby Downer & maintain my good juju, but BOTH of my warding charms have SNAPPED IN HALF over the past two weeks, and this week has been off the charts when it comes to being CRAPTASTIC! Tire blew out, been arguing with hubby, construction makes traffic SUCK even MORE, people's snarky comments and attitudes are REALLY getting to me lately, Hubby & I are struggling to pay bills, have food, and put gas in our cars, and the repairs that we need on our vehicles we CAN'T AFFORD. Not to mention that my meds are breaking the bank, school seems to be stretching out taking an ETERNITY to get through, and it's impossible to get a job (and KEEP IT) with my school schedule.This is SUPPOSED to be a stellar year for my hubby & I. BUT It's just SUCKING right now. I just keep telling myself "Only 3 more months left of school" sometimes it seems SO QUICK, but lately it is just dragging on forever! I'm SO hard on myself, I feel so clumsy and slow compared to most everyone else in my classes. BUT...Crap on a Crap Cracker if I'm not trying my DAMNEST everyday when I'm in school! I am SUPER picky about the quality of my work, so I am "overly" analitical. This makes me SLOWER than most. I'm sick and tired of working SO HARD and being BROKE, or barely scraping by. EVERYONE has to throw out their own personal shitty ass opinion of EVERY situation I'm facing lately, and it's getting on my last nerve!

This weeks' just got me feeling beat down and broken, so...for this "Witching Hour" I'm going to throw myself a little pity party. "It Can't Rain All The Time," "This Too, Shall Pass," "The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow" insert whatever saying you usually use for these situations... My good juju isn't completely broken, just really bruised right now. I hope it heals in time for whatever tomorrow throws at me...

May 24, 2010

Retracing My Steps

Funny how things in life work, I was thinking about life's patterns and the circles they take us, when I was driving out to visit my friend & the place I use to call "home" (for about 10 years) today. I stopped in my favorite local library, checked out a nice sized stack of books, went and visited with my best friend at her condo (which will always be my home away from home!) We went to our favorite coffee spot and BS-ed for several hours like it was just a several minutes. Our convos over a cuppa are LEGENDARY! I'm pretty sure that if we had a whole day to ourselves we could solve the energy crisis, find a way to make peace in the Middle East, and find the BEST deals on an outfit and a pair of shoes in 24 hours time...well, we would at least find an outfit and a pair of shoes! LOL! We talked today about "people's perceptions" and how they miss the most vital aspects of a person, more often than not! When people see my friend, most of them just hit the surface...tall, lithe, beautiful porcelain skin, and red hair to die for! What people tend to overlook is...she is MORE than just beautiful...she's smart, funny, forgiving, and she has a heart of gold. Also, we talked about the misgivings that people have about me, people aren't used to receiving complements, and generally having a stranger be nice to them. Which, is VERY depressing to me. Nowadays, if you SMILE at someone, or give them a compliment, most of the time they suspect that you're going to SELL them something.

Honestly? I have never had such a friend as my BFF. She's an inspiration to me, totally helps me focus, and brings out the best in me effortlessly. If you are fortunate enough to have someone like this in your life, treasure that friendship, and do everything in your power to not eff it up!

My friends are my muses. This particular friend, has given me the swift kick in the pants I need to really make something of myself in the decade or so that I have known her! She saved my life, when I was drowning in a fog of medication, she pulled me out of the water, and breathed new life into my very being. For all that she is to me, I decided to include her in my "Where I Stood" Sunday post.

Here is a pic of both of our feet, standing on her condo's front stoop. Some of my favorite memories happened on this little square patch of concrete.

I broke my own rule today, and walked out of the house in sandals & my feet not polished! :(

May 16, 2010

My Steps

I'm trying to keep up on the "Where I Stood" Sunday posts, but sometimes my computer likes to drive me insane, and not upload things when I want it to, and work in general for that matter! 


However, we seem to have come to a new understanding, so this is last Sunday's post...a week later...*Blushes*

Since we have moved into our new house, my Internet connectivity has been...wonky at best...

So, here is my "Where I Stood" Sunday Picture:

Granted, this isn't my normal pose, but I had to keep one foot a bit behind me or I was going to fall over!

Make sure to check out my friend Lynn's blog, you can see the "Where I Stand" idea in its entirety there!!!

May 11, 2010

Just Breathe

So much happened over this past weekend, it flew past! I worked a lot, and the BIGGEST NEWS?? Kevin Graduated from MSU with a BA in Landscape Architecture!! He's ALSO back to work with his LA Firm, he has a brand spanking new title of "Vice President," and work is starting to pick up for them, so that is all GREAT news!!

^^ MSU's Class of 2010 -Landscape Architexture!!

The PT retail gig I landed has been REALLY fun, although, I'm not sure how much longer I will be there, Retail is a HARD area to work in right now, and my availability is VERY limited (Thanks to school) so I have a double-whammy against me! But, I'm trying not to worry about it, and just appreciate what I can work there, and the time I have worked there!

This weather's making me miserable! It's cold, wet, and icky outside, and even though I have on jeans, a long sleeved shirt, socks & my Hello Kitty fleece blankey around me, I STILL can not get warm enough, and the Heat is CRANKED to 70' (At least until The Hubster arrives!) I have SO MUCH homework for school to work on, I just feel overwhelmed & I have been avoiding it like the plague. I got a bit done this morning, but not really enough that I'm pleased. I'm going to finish somethings when I get this all done, and some photos uploaded!

Speaking of photos, here is a snapshot (LOL! I'm Punny!!) of what's been happening in my world lately!!

I r sleepy Kitty! Weekend wore me out!

Learning to Play D & D-I play a Tiefling Warlock & figuring out another back-up Char

New Mani Received Last Week-She already got a haircut & Some Color!!!!

Kev's Graduation Dinner W Fam @ Logans
Baby Wyatt, Stef, Ken, Me, Kev, & J'Son

I heard this song the other day, and it has been stuck in my head ever since, thus the title for my post...

"Just Breathe" by Pearl Jam

"Yea, I don't want to hurt/There's So much in this World That Makes Me Bleed/Oh, Stay With Me/Oh Your All I See"

May 2, 2010

Without Further Ado

Where I Stood Sunday...Quite a few weeks in the making, but here is a shot of me in my old apartment:

The next shot is me at my new digs on our front porch:

So much more to write, but I want to get this posted before another quirk happens!

This site is my inspiration for this post, I will try to keep doing a Where I Stood post every Sunday, just like my friend Lynn! Check her site out here: